Fig. S3
The majority of horizontal cells (HCs) are derived from trβ2:FP-positive cell lineage. (A) Confocal image of the retina of a double-transgenic line Tg (ptf1a:GFP; trβ2:tdTomato) at 54 hpf. HC precursors and HCs were identified by expression of GFP. Fluorescence driven by the exogenous trβ2 promoter is relatively weak in HC precursors undergoing cell division (arrowheads). Open arrowhead marks a mitotic cell without detectable trβ2:tdTomato signal. (B) Ectopic trβ2 in HC precursors and HCs by injecting Tg(UAS:MYFP-2A-trβ2) plasmid into one-cell stage fertilized eggs of Tg(ptf1a:Gal4-VP16) fish (12). At 3 dpf, HCs and amacrine cells were labeled by MYFP expression in the retinas and the morphology of MYFP-expressing HCs appeared normal. Therefore, developmental down-regulation of trβ2 in HC precursors and HCs is not essential for HC differentiation.