Fig. S6
foxd3 and tfap2a interact reciprocally with prdm1a at the NPB. (A,B) WT embryos (A) and embryos injected with 8 ng foxd3-MO (B) were fixed at 2-somites and ISH was performed for prdm1a. Dorsal view of embryos shows increased prdm1a expression in foxd3 morphants. (C) Embryos at 2-somites were also analyzed for prdm1a expression by qRT-PCR, showing a dose-dependent increase in prdm1a expression in response to foxd3-MO. (D-G) ISH for foxd3 (D,E) and prdm1a (F,G) was performed on uninjected WT (D,F) and tfap2a/tfap2c double-morphant embryos (E,G) at 2-somites. Dorsal views show the absence of foxd3 and prdm1a expression at the NPB in tfap2a/tfap2c morphants (arrows, E,G). (H) qRTPCR for prdm1a and foxd3 was also performed on WT and tfap2a/c morphants and showed decreased expression of both genes in the morphants. NPB, neural plate border; a, adaxial cells. *P<0.05.