Fig. S4
Figure S4 (Related to Figure 4): Analysis of ERG gain- and loss-of-function phenotypes. (A) Injection of high doses of ERG mRNA (400 pg) in zebrafish embryos resulted in enhanced F2:GFP expression at the 20-somite stage. Premature sprouting of intersomitic vessels (arrows) was also observed. Cells were present ventral to the dorsal aorta that express F2:GFP. These may be ventrally sprouting posterior cardinal vein cells. Scale bar = 50 μm. (B) Wild-type (n=2) and ErgΔEx4/ ΔEx4 (n=2) embryos (E9.5) were stained with PECAM antibodies and confocal microscopy was utilized to observe vascular patterning. The dorsal aorta (arrow) was present and morphologically normal in Erg knock-out embryos. Scale bars = 500 μm (wholemount) and 110 μm (zoom ins). (C) Section in situ hybridization at E8.5 reveals reduced Efnb2 mRNA in the dorsal aorta (arrows) in Erg knock out embryos (n=2) compared to wild-type littermates (n=2). Sections are counter-stained with nuclear fast red. Scale bar = 100 μm. (D) Histology of serial cross-sections through wild-type (n=3) and Erg knock-out embryos (E9.5) (n=2) did not reveal gross morphological defects in arteries or veins. Dorsal aorta (arrow); cardinal vein (caret). Scale bar = 100 μm.
Reprinted from Developmental Cell, 26(1), Wythe, J.D., Dang, L.T., Devine, W.P., Boudreau, E., Artap, S.T., He, D., Schachterle, W., Stainier, D.Y., Oettgen, P., Black, B.L., Bruneau, B.G., and Fish, J.E., ETS Factors Regulate Vegf-Dependent Arterial Specification, 45-58, Copyright (2013) with permission from Elsevier. Full text @ Dev. Cell