Fig. S3
Kdrl:GFP, fli1a:EGFP and tal1:GFP are all induced in the trunk of hsp70l:etv2 embryos following heat shock. Hsp70l:etv2 was crossed into kdrl:GFP (A, B), fli1a:EGFP (C, D), or tal1:GFP (E, F), and the resulting embryos were either left at control temperature or were heat shocked at 22 hpf and then imaged at 48 hpf. Control embryos never exhibited ectopic GFP expression in any group. Heat-shocked embryos (+HS) always exhibited ectopic GFP expression in the trunk (right column is high magnification image of the trunk corresponding to the adjacent embryo in the left column), although tal1:GFP was significantly weaker than the other two transgenes. At least 20 embryos were observed for each treatment with similar results.