Fig. 1
Ubiquitous Etv2 expression induces ectopic vascular gene expression in the trunk of 48 h zebrafish embryos.
(A) hsp70l:etv2/kdrl:GFP embryo at 27 h postfertilization (hpf) (high magnification view of trunk inset) and 48 hpf exhibit normal vascular-specific GFP expression and no Etv2-mCherry when not treated with heat shock (HS+3 h and +24 h). Embryos heat shocked at 24 hpf exhibit normal vascular GFP expression and strong ubiquitous nuclear Etv2-mCherry expression at 27 hpf (+HS+3 h). By 24 h post–heat shock (48 hpf) robust ectopic GFP expression is present in the trunk. (B) Flow cytometric analysis of single cells isolated from three separate clutches of hsp70l:etv2/kdrl:GFP embryos treated with or without heat shock at 24 hpf and analyzed at 48 hpf. Ectopic Etv2 expression causes the percentage of GFP+ cells to increase from ~2% to ~8% of the total. T-test (*) p<0.05. (C) Response to Etv2 overexpression is developmentally restricted. Hsp70l:etv2/kdrl:GFP embryos heat shocked (HS) at 22, 24, 26, 28, or 30 hpf exhibit decreasing numbers of GFP+ cells and a shift from anterior trunk to tail. Heat shock after 30 hpf did not cause ectopic GFP+ cells. Dashed boxes highlight the Etv2 responsive cell populations.