Fig. S5
Photoconversion of Kaede demonstrates that fin mesenchyme derives from earlier ntla mesoderm expression domains. (A-C′) The tail region of an ntla:gal4; uas:kaede transgenic embryo imaged at 24 hpf (A-B′) and again at 48 hpf (C,C′) both prior to (A,A′) and after (B-C′) Kaede photoconversion. Unconverted Kaede protein is shown in the green channel, which is overlaid with UV-photoconverted Kaede in the red channel (A,B,C). The red channel is additionally displayed alone for clarity (A′,B′,C′). The Kaede protein present at 48 hpf in the fin mesenchyme is photoconverted, demonstrating that it corresponds to perdurance of Kaede from the mesodermal expression domain at 24 hpf.