Fig. 3

Figure Caption

Fig. 3 Daily-moderate ethanol exposure reverses scototactic preference on day two of withdrawal.

(A) i: A plot of a single control zebrafish as it moved throughout the arena during the five minute trial. ii: Heatmap (pseudocolour representation of zebrafish movement) of the same fish throughout the five minute trial. iii: Total time spent in the light and dark zones for the five minute trial. Control fish preferred the dark zone (paired t-test, p = 0.0442, n = 13). (B) i–ii: Same as in (A) but for a representative fish in the weekly-binge group. iii: Weekly-binge fish did not have a significant preference for either zone (paired t-test, p = 0.3325, n = 14). (C) i–ii: Same as in (A) but for a representative fish in the daily-moderate group. iii: Daily-moderate fish spent significantly more time in the light zone (paired t-test, p = 0.0366, n = 15). (D) Preference index for all groups. There was a significant difference in preference between daily-moderate and control groups (One way ANOVA, F (2,39) = 4.32, p = 0.0202 with post-hoc Tukey test). *p<0.05. (E) The number of transitions between the dark and light zones for each group for the duration of the 5 minute trials. No significant differences in zone transitions were observed across all groups (One way ANOVA, F (2, 34) = 1.266, p = 0.2949).

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