Fig. 1 Production of Tg(ziwi:neo) and Tg(ziwi:DsRed) transgenic fish.
(A,B) Diagram of the constructs used to produce the Tg(ziwi:neo) and Tg(ziwi:DsRed) transgenic fish. A 4.8 kb fragment of the ziwi promoter [13] was used to drive expression of (A) neo and (B) DsRed. (C) Neo (green) and (D) Vasa (red) are expressed in the same ovarian germ cells of Tg(ziwi:neo). Higher magnification showing expression of (E) Neo (green) and (F) Vasa (red) in the oogonia (white arrows) of Tg(ziwi:neo); (G) merged photo of E and F. (H) DsRed was detected in the ovarian germ cells of Tg(ziwi:DsRed). Scale bar = 50 μm for C, D, H and 20 μm for E, F, G.