Fig. S2

Figures for Poulain et al., 2013
Figure Caption

Fig. S2 Missorted DN axons are corrected in absence of p53 (related to Figure 2).
n=11 (A-B′) DN (A, B; blue in A′, B′) and VN (red in A′, B′) axons are properly sorted at 72 hpf in p53 morphant. Lateral views, confocal maximal projections. (C-D) Measurement of axon sorting in the tract in p53 (C) and ctr morphant (D). Intensities of DiD and Oil signals were plotted along a reference line perpendicular to the tract as indicated in A′. Profiles reveal that DiD and Oil signals do not overlap at 72 hpf. Missorting indexes (MI) are similar between p53 and ctr morphants and indicate that DN axons have been properly sorted in the absence of p53 activity.

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