Fig. 3 Epidermal tissue growth is enhanced upon fin fold amputation.
A Experimental outline of the live imaging procedures taking into account not only the post amputation hours (hpa) but also the developmental days of the larvae (dpf). All the amputations were performed in 2 dpf larvae, and these were allowed to regenerate until the desired hour, the time point at which they were imaged for 5 hours. Taking into account that the regeneration procedure takes several days, age-matched uncut controls were imaged in the same conditions and for the same amount of time for accurate comparison. B Representative maps of vector velocity fields (VVFs) depicting the tissue movement direction along 5 h sequential time-lapse imaging of the fin fold regenerative process and respective age-matched uncut controls of β-actin:mGFP transgenics. C Representative heat maps of the VVFs shown in B depicting the tissue velocity in the fin fold area along the same 5 h sequential blocks of the fin fold regenerative process and respective age-matched uncut controls. Red end of the spectrum correlates with higher velocity (0 to 10 μm.hour1) within a given experiment. D Average velocity (μm.hour1) of VVFs of 5 larvae per condition represented in B–C. Color code matches the Experimental Outline in A. *P value<0.05; Mann-Whitney test values: 2 dpf uncut<>3 dpf uncut = 0.03; 2 dpf uncut<>1–6 hpa = 0.03; 3 dpf uncut<>21–26 hpa = 0.03; 3 dpf uncut<>31–36 hpa = 0.03; 4 dpf uncut<>41–46 hpa = 0.03; 4 dpf uncut<>51–56 hpa = 0.02; 5 larvae per condition. Anterior is on the left and scale bars correspond to 50 μm.