Fig. 6 Mesenchymal cells in the fin fold change shape and migrate distally upon injury.
A–C Sequential images of a representative in vivo 6 h time-lapse movie of a 2 dpf uncut EF1α:mKO2-zCdt1;osteopontin:eGFP transgenic larva. D–F Sequential images of a representative in vivo 6 h time-lapse movie of a 2 dpf 30 minpa EF1α:mKO2-zCdt1;osteopontin:eGFP transgenic larva. G–J Sequential images of a representative in vivo 1h30 time-lapse movie of a 2 dpf 5 minpa EF1α:mKO2-zCdt1;osteopontin:eGFP transgenic larva. Zoom panels highlight osteopontin positive mesenchymal cells in the central area of the fin fold in the respective time point. White dots mark the same cells along time to allow for better visualization and tracking of cell migration. Dashed lines indicate the outline of the notochord and the edge of the amputated fin fold. Scale bars correspond to 50 μm in all images; 3–5 larvae per condition.