Fig. 4 Global levels of proliferation significantly increase during regeneration in a non-spatially restricted manner.
A Representative projections of H2a.f/z-GFP transgenics showing total cell divisions (marked in red) which occurred during 5 hour sequential time-lapse imaging movies of the fin fold regenerative process and respective age-matched uncut controls. B Average number of cell divisions occurring per 100 μm2 in the several conditions represented in A. Color code matches the Experimental Outline in Fig. 3A. **P value<0.01, *P value<0.05; Mann-Whitney test values: 2 dpf uncut<>3 dpf uncut = 0.008; 2 dpf uncut<>4 dpf uncut = 0.008; 2 dpf uncut<>11–16 hpa = 0.008; 3 dpf uncut<>21–26 hpa = 0.02; 3 dpf uncut<>31–36 hpa = 0.06; 5 larvae per condition. Anterior is on the left and scale bars correspond to 50 μm.