Fig. 7 Transactivation of the transgenic TRE:HA-Crb2aIntraWT.
(A) Larvae from an outcross of Tg(Xla.rho:rtTA, TRE:GFP) to Tg(TRE:HA-Crb2aIntraWT) were untreated or doxycycline (Dox)-treated for 72 hours and genotyped for the transgenes before immunofluorescence analysis. (B–J) Confocal z-projections of retinal sections from 6 dpf Tg(Xla.rho:rtTA, TRE:GFP; TRE:HA-Crb2aIntraWT) larvae labeled with anti-HA (red) and anti-Rhodopsin (blue) antibodies. (B–D) Anti-HA-Crb2aIntraWT immunofluorescence (B, red) and GFP fluorescence (C, green) are undetectable in the untreated rod photoreceptors with anti-Rhodopsin immunofluorescence (D, blue). (E–J) Anti-HA-Crb2aIntraWT immunofluorescence (E, H, red) and GFP fluorescence (F, I, green) are visible in the photoreceptor layer and co-localize with the anti-Rhodopsin immunofluorescence in the rod photoreceptors after 72 h of Dox treatment. Scale bar (D, G), 50 µm and (J), 20 µm.