Fig. 4 Transactivation of an injected plasmid into Tg(Xop:rtTA, TRE:GFP).
(A) Diagram of the tetracycline response element (TRE) construct injected into Tg(Xla.rho:rtTA, TRE:GFP) one-cell embryos. The TRE drives the mCherry gene with a nuclear localization sequence (nls-mCherry). (B–D) Confocal z-projections of retinal sections from injected Tg(Xla.rho:rtTA, TRE:GFP) larvae at 6 dpf that were treated for the final 48 h with doxycycline (Dox) and were labeled with anti-Rhodopsin antibody. (B, B2) nls-mCherry fluorescence (red) is visible in the photoreceptor layer. (C, C2) nls-mCherry fluorescence (red) co-localizes with green fluorescent protein (GFP) fluorescence (green) in the photoreceptor layer. (D, D2) Anti-Rhodopsin label (blue) shows that GFP and nls-mCherry are expressed in rod photoreceptors. Boxed regions in B, C, and D correspond to B2, C2, and D2. dA, polyadenylation sequence; Tol2, pTol integration site. Scale bar, 50 µm.