Fig. 5 Moderate zebrafish atxn7 depletion impairs the differentiation of cerebellar neurons.
Dorsal views of dissected brains from 5 dpf 1 pmol mmMOzatxnAUG (A, A′, A′′, A′′′, C, C′ and C′′) and 0.3 pmol MOzatxn7SPL morphants (B, B′, B′′, B′′′, D, D′ and D′′). DAPI staining (A and B), Pav7 immunostaining of Purkinje cells (A′, B′, C and D) and Vglut1 immunostaining of granule cells (A′′, B′′, C′ and D′). Anterior is to the left. Enlarged views of the brains showed in A′ (C), A′′ (C′), A′′′ (C′′), B′ (D), B′′ (D′), and B′′′ (D′′). Merge images of the photographs A′ and A′′ (A′′′), B′ and B′′ (B′′′), C and C′ (C′′), and D and D′ (D′′).