Fig. 1 Transcription of the zebrafish atxn7 gene during development.
(A-F) In situ detection of zebrafish atxn7 transcripts on either whole mount embryos at the four-cell stage (A), or 3 (B), 8 (C), 16 (D), and 48 hpf (E) or dissected brain of 120 hpf embryos (F). (I) RT-PCR analysis of zebrafish atxn7 transcript accumulation in 1- (1 c), 4- to 16- (4–16 c), and 8- to 64-cell embryos (8–64 c), or 10 (10 h), 24 (24 h), 48 (48 h) and 72 to 96 hpf embryos (3–4 d) and dissected adult brain (Brain), cerebellum (Cer), spinal cord (SC), eye (Eye) and remaining tissues (Ad-brain). RT–PCR for β-actin is shown as a positive control. Abbreviations: Cer, cerebellum; MO, medulla oblongata; TeO, tectum opticum; Tel, telencephalon.