Fig. 6 Elimination of mitfa and mitfb activity has no detectable effect on RPE development in zebrafish embryos.
mitfb cDNA showing exons, functional domains, and locations of mutations (arrows). The mitfbhu3857 allele contains a T>A nonsense mutation that causes a switch from leucine to a stop codon in exon 2. The mitfbhu3561 allele has a C>T nonsense mutation that results in a switch from Arginine to a stop codon in exon 7, in the basic-helix-loop-helix/leucine zipper binding domain (bHLH LZ). AD, transcriptional activation domain. (B) The mitfbhu3857 allele creates an AlwNI restriction site, allowing genotyping of animals by electrophoresis of digested PCR products. (C–H) Bright field images depicting the normal RPE pigmentation and eye development in 5 dpf larvae; wildtype (C), or mitfbhu3857 (D), mitfbhu3561 (E), mitfaw2 (F), mitfbhu3857;mitfaw2 (G), or mitfbhu3561;mitfab692 (H) homozygous mutants.