Fig. 3

Figures for Yang et al., 2012
Figure Caption

Fig. 3

Neutrophils Are Present in the Early Granuloma (A) High-resolution laser-scanning confocal image showing a mycobacterial granuloma containing uninfected and infected neutrophils. Scale bar, 20 μm. (B) Two GFP-positive neutrophils infected with red fluorescent Mm from granuloma in (A). Scale bar, 10 μm. (C–E) Series of time-lapse spinning-disc confocal images highlighting cellular dynamics of neutrophils of the early granuloma. (C) A snapshot of a granuloma with the two neutrophils (arrowheads) monitored by time-lapse imaging. (D) Uninfected neutrophil (white arrowhead) arriving at the granuloma shown in (C). (E) Uninfected neutrophil (yellow arrowheads) engulfing infected macrophage to become infected. Elapsed minutes indicated in upper right corner of (D) and (E). Green, neutrophil (N); red, Mm. Scale bars in (C)–(E), 15 μm. (Also see Movie S2, Movie S3, and Movie S4.)

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