Fig. 2
Neutrophils Are Poorly Recruited to the Initial Site of Mycobacterial Infection and Do Not Phagocytose Mycobacteria (A) Fluorescence and DIC overlay of macrophages infected with red fluorescent Mm (arrows) and a green fluorescent neutrophil (arrowhead) 10 min after caudal vein injection of 48 hpf larva. Scale bar, 10 μm. (B) Infected macrophages (arrows) and uninfected neutrophils (arrowheads) 24 hr after Mm injection into caudal vein of 48 hpf larva. Scale bar, 20 μm. (C–H) Median number of phagocytes recruited to, and infected in, the HBV of 48 hpf larvae 6 hr postinfection of vehicle (mock), (C) 108 Mm, (D) 45 Pa, (E) 108 Mm or 18 Pa, and (F–H) 27 Mm and 22 Pa together. M, macrophage, N, neutrophil. Results in (C)–(H) are each representative of more than three experiments. p value determined by Mann-Whitney rank test. (Also see Figure S1 and Movie S1.)