Fig. 7
Trabecular growth and formation of the ethmoid plate is defective inhdac4MO-injected embryos. (A-N) Ventral views of zc81Tg transgenic embryos and larvae from uninjected (n = 3, each stage) and MO-injected (n = 3, each stage) fish. Palatal skeletons were dissected and flat-mounted. Images are projections from confocal stacks. Anterior is facing upwards. (A-G) Uninjected fish show stages of normal development of the palatal skeleton. (A) Trabeculae (tb) are first detected at 36 hpf as clusters of cells. At this stage, the head is bent forward and GFP expression is visible in a region anterior to the telencephalon (tel). (B) By 42 hpf, the trabeculae are elongated. (C) At 48 hpf, the anterior margin of the trabeculae converge. (D) At 54 hpf, the trabeculae communis forms (tc), and cells fill in the ethmoid plate (ep). (E-G) Between 60–72 hpf, the ethmoid plate widens (E) and fills in with GFP-positive cells (F). (H-N) MO-injected fish show defects in palatal skeleton formation. (H and I) Between 36 and 42 hpf trabeculae are smaller than those in uninjected fish at the same stage (H). (J and K) Trabeculae converge anteriorly, but the trabeculae communis fails to form. (L-N) Between 60–72 hpf, the trabeculae communis is formed weakly (L), the ethmoid plate fails to fill in with GFP-positive cells (M and N), and there is a lack of anterior growth and holes in the palatal skeleton (M and N). Scale bar = 100 μm.