Fig. 7

Figures for Lim et al., 2012
Figure Caption

Fig. 7 The sqt DLE MO and ATG MO differentially affect dorsal gene expression. (A-E) gsc expression expands upon injection of the DLE MO even at low doses, in comparison to injections of TPmiR430 MO or TPcontrol MO. (E) The percentage and number of embryos and the extent of gsc expression (classes I-IV, A-D) in injected embryos at sphere stages. (F-I) Expression of gsc is abolished in sqtMO1-injected embryos at the sphere stage (G), in comparison to control wild-type (F), MZsqt (H) or MZoep (I) embryos. (J-M) Expression of the ventral marker gene gata2 is expanded to varying extents in sqtMO1-injected embryos (K-M), in comparison to control embryos (J). (N-Q) Nuclear β-catenin (N,P) in dorsal cells is not detected in sqtMO1-injected embryos at the 512-cell stage (P,Q), in contrast to ConMO-injected embryos (arrows, N,O). DAPI staining (O,Q) shows the presence of nuclei. (A-D,F-M) Animal pole views; (N-Q) dorsal views. Scale bars: 100 μm in A; 25 μm in N.

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