Fig. 4

Figures for Lim et al., 2012
Figure Caption

Fig. 4 Rescue of ichabod embryos by Sqt is more effective with the sqt 3′UTR. (A-F) Uninjected and lacZ:glo RNA-injected ichabod (ich) embryos are completely radialized (class 1a; A), whereas sqt or zctnnb2 [zebrafish (z) beta catenin 2] RNA injection rescues anterior and dorsal structures to varying extents (class 1b-4; B-E), or causes early arrest (class ′A′; F). (G) Percentage embryos of each class. Injection of sqt:sqt and zctnnb2 RNA is more effective in rescuing ich embryos than sqt:glo. (H) Sqt-GFP protein (44 kDa) expressed from embryos injected with sqt-GFP:sqt or sqt-GFP:glo, and lysates from uninjected embryos and lacZ:glo-injected embryos as negative controls, are shown. Tubulin (50 kDa) provides a loading control. (I) Relative intensities of Sqt-GFP bands, normalized against Tubulin, show comparable translation efficiencies of sqt-GFP:sqt and sqt-GFP:glo in whole embryo lysates. Error bars indicate s.d. between two independent experiments. Scale bar: 100 μm.

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