Fig. S3
The mRNA expression of the rspo2 gene. (A-D) Whole-mount in situ hybridization for rspo2 (predicted R-spondin 2) antisense probe at the indicated stages. Consistent with the GFP distribution in hspGFFDMC131A embryos crossed with the UAS:GFP fish line, rspo2 mRNA was expressed in the MFF (white arrowheads) and the AF of the pectoral fin bud (black arrows); see also Fig. 3 and supplementary material Fig. S2. Anterior is to the left; dorsal is to the top. (E,F) Rspo2 expression in the pectoral fin bud at later developmental stages (56 hpf in E and 70 hpf in F) was located in the distal edge of the AF (dAF). Distal is to the right; anterior is to the top.