Fig. 7 Skin ablation in Met-treated killer line specifically targeted the EVL and showed no bystander effect on the neighboring cells.
Whole-mount immunostaining on killer line embryos aged at 48 hpf showing that the number of epidermal stem basal cells (A and B, stained with p63 antibody), NaRC (C and D, stained with Na,K-ATPase antibody), HRC (E and F, stained with H-ATPase antibody) and MC (G and H, stained with anterior gradient 2 antibody) did not significantly change between untreated (-Met) and treated (+Met) groups. (I?L) Statistical comparisons, using Student′s t-test, of the relative cell numbers of p63+ cells, NaRC, HRC and MC between untreated (-Met) and Met-treated (+Met) groups. The cell number is presented as the meanąS.D. NaRC, Na-K-ATPase rich cell; HRC, H-ATPase rich cells; MC, mucous cells; Met, metrodinazole.