Fig. 2
Addition of wnt11r triggers a loss of MuSK-GFP at the membrane in a CRD-dependent manner. (A-D3) Dome-stage zebrafish embryos at 4.5 hpf expressing mCherry-CAAX membrane marker (red) and either MuSK-GFP or MuSKΔCRD-GFP (green) in separate and merged channel views. (A-A3) Wild-type embryos showing MuSK-GFP membrane localization. (B-B3) Wild-type embryos injected with wnt11r mRNA showing reduced MuSK-GFP at the membrane (white bracket highlights one area of reduced GFP signal). (C-C3) Wild-type embryos showing MuSKΔCRD-GFP expression at the membrane, which is not reduced in the presence of wnt11r mRNA (D-D3). (E) Quantification of effect of wnt11r on MuSK-GFP membrane localization (**P=4.6×10–5; Student’s two-tailed t-test, unequal variance). (F) Quantification of effect of wnt11r on MuSK”CRD-GFP membrane localization (P=0.39; Student’s two-tailed t-test, unequal variance). Error bars represent s.e.m. Scale bar: 10 μm.