Fig. 9 Partial rescue of synaptic contacts in nsfst53 mutants by BDNF injection at 2dpf.
A, Representative z-projections of single neuromasts (4 dpf) immunolabeled for Zn12 (green) and Ribeye b (red) in wild-type, nsfst53 mutants, and nsfst53mutants injected with 5 μg/ml BDNF at 1dpf and 2dpf. 10 optical sections, 1 μm each. Scale bar: 10 μm. B, Quantification of total pixel intensity (A.U.) of Zn12 labeling in wild-type (1.478e6±128180, n = 10), nsfst53 mutants (382343±26874, n = 15), and mutants with BDNF injections at 1dpf (513236±87981, n = 7), 2dpf (568136±88664, n = 6), 3dpf (339253±25527, n = 11). Statistical tests were between uninjected control and BDNF injected mutants.