Fig. 4
Msw allele influence KV morphogenesis.
A, zebrafish wt embryo at the 10-somite stage. Kupffer′s vesicle facing upwards (white arrowhead) is visible at the tail bud at the end of the notochord (n). The other panels show normal, reduced, and no Kupffer′s vesicle in embryos at the 10-somite stage. Scale bar = 50 μm. B, measures of area of KV in wt control embryos and in embryos derived from females of the three analyzed classes expressed as box plot (whiskers represent smaller and larger values for each group). MeanĀ±SE are expressed. C, significative reverse correlation between the size of KV of embryos derived from two msw+/+, three msw+/-, and two msw-/- females and the frequency of larvae with reversed brain asymmetries generated by the same females.