Fig. 5
Dosage-dependent defects of mCherry-Rab5cDN expression are rescued by expression of the EGFP-Rab5c transgene. A: Representative montaged confocal images of 24hpf embryos showing phenotypic designations of Wild-type (WT), Mild, Moderate, or Severe after injection with mCherry-Rab5cDN RNA. Arrow indicates region of edema and blood pooling posterior to the yolk extension, characteristic of embryos with the ?Mild? phenotype label. B: Quantification of relative percentage of embryos displaying phenotypes shown in A after injection of mCherry-Rab5cDN mRNA. C: Table indicating the total number of embryos examined for each category represented in B. Statistical Analysis: Chi-Squared compared to 300 pg RNA injected into WT embryo category, ***P < 0. 0001. Three or more clutches were used for each category.