Fig. S6
The phenotype of olfactory projections in neurog1 mutant embryos is generally stronger than that of robo2 mutants. (A-L) Confocal projections of PCAM/SV2-labelled olfactory projections in wild-type (A-C,G-I) and neurog1 mutant (D-F,J-L) embryos at 72 hpf. Whereas projections in wild-type embryos form a single fasciculated tract from the olfactory placode to the olfactory bulb, in certain neurog1 mutants a large number of projections are aberrantly oriented (arrowheads in D,F) or a portion of olfactory projections never seems to leave the olfactory placode (arrowheads in J,L). Embryos are viewed frontally (A-F) or dorsally with anterior up (G-L). Dashed white lines indicate the boundary of the telencephalon and the olfactory placode (J,L). Scale bars: 10 μM.