Figure Caption
Fig. 2
Crmp1 (green) is expressed in the forebrain at 31 hpf. All embryos were treated with the vital dye Bodipy-TR (red) to act as a contrast against the citrine signal. (A–B) Live confocal images. (A) Confocal z-stack showing Citrine/ Crmp1 (green) expression in the forebrain regions: the telencephalon (t) and diencephalon (d). Also, expression in epiphysis (e) is apparent. Boxed area shown in (A2). (A2) Z-section through the telencephalon. (B) Expression also found in spinal cord neurons (Sp) (asterisks). no, notochord. Scale bar: 50 μm.
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Reprinted from Gene expression patterns : GEP, 11(7), Jayasena, C.S., and Bronner-Fraser, M., Live imaging of endogenous Collapsin response mediator protein-1 expression at subcellular resolution during zebrafish nervous system development, 395-400, Copyright (2011) with permission from Elsevier. Full text @ Gene Expr. Patterns