Fig. 7
The uxs1 mutation is epistatic to cartilage and bone phenotypes of fam20b and xylt1 mutants.
A–H, Alcian blue/Alizarin red-stained 6 dpf ceratohyals. Compared to wild types (A,E), cartilage matrix of fam20bb1127 (B) and xylt1b1128 (F) mutants stained less with Alcian blue, but the perichondria of fam20b and xylt1 mutants stained more with Alizarin red (arrows) than in wild types. Similar to uxs1 mutants (C,G), uxs1;fam20bb1127 (D) and uxs1;xylt1b1128 (H) double mutants showed a greater decrease in Alcian blue staining of cartilage matrix than the decrease seen in fam20b and xylt1 mutants; also, Alizarin red staining (arrows) in uxs1 single mutant and uxs1;fam20b and uxs1;xylt1 double mutant perichondria was at wild-type levels. Abbreviations: bsr = branchiostegal ray.