Fig. 3 During early embryogenesis, the two eif3h genes are expressed ubiquitously while by 24 hours postfertilization (hpf) the genes are expressed in distinct and restricted patterns. Panel a: Early embryogenesis (<24 hpf). Panels A-F show representative in situ hybridization patterns for eif3ha while panels G-L are those for eif3hb. For eif3ha, panels A, C, and E represent the lateral view while B, D, and F show the dorsal view. For eif3hb, panels G, K, and I represent the lateral view while H, J, and L show the dorsal view. Panels M-O show the control embryos treated with an eif3ha sense probe. For each of the above panels, the hybridization patterns were determined at 3 hpf, 8 hpf or 10 somites, as indicated. Panel b: In situ hybridization patterns for later stages of embryogenesis (≥24 hpf). Panels A-J for eif3ha: A-E show lateral views and F-J show dorsal views; panels K-T for eif3hb: K-O represent lateral views and P-T represent dorsal views). Panels U-Y show control embryos hybridized with an eif3ha sense probe. The specific developmental stages examined are indicated. The red arrows in panels A, B, F, and G highlight the specific expression pattern of eif3ha in the developing somites while the green arrows in panels K, L, and P indicate distinct expression of eif3hb in the cardiac-associated regions. Blue open arrowheads in C and D indicate expression of eif3ha at the midbrain-hindbrain boundary. Blue block arrowheads and blue block arrows show eif3ha expression in otic capsules and fin-buds, respectively, while the blue stars indicate transcripts in the gut tube and liver. Green stars in panels N and S mark the condensed expression of eif3hb at 3 dpf in the brain. At 4 dpf, eif3ha and eif3hb transcripts are present in specific areas of the alimentary canal: eif3ha transcripts in the intestinal bulb (E and J, blue open arrows) and esophagus (E, red open arrowhead) while eif3hb in the esophagus with a relatively weak signal (O, green open arrowhead).
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