Fig. 8
Interferring with FGFR1 function in the developing pectoral fins. A: A 48 hours postfertilization (hpf) control embryo injected with the mPrx1(cFos):EGFP construct showing high reporter expression in the pectoral fins. B: A 48 hpf injected embryo showing high expression of EGFP in the heart. C: Lack of fin phenotype after injection of the mPrx1(cFos):EGFP construct. D–G: Range of fin phenotypes obtained after injection of the mPrx1(cFos):dnFGFR1 (D), zfprrx1a(cFos):dnFGFR1 (E), zfprrx1b1(cFos):dnFGFR1 (F) and zfprrx1b2(cFos):dnFGFR1 (G) constructs. A and B are lateral views of 48 hpf embryos with anterior to the right, whereas C–G are dorsal views of 4 dpf larvi with anterior to the right.