Fig. 2
Ovarian degeneration and regeneration following Mtz treatment. A: Representative micrograph demonstrating gross morphology (external, internal) and ovarian histology of untreated (control) fish; note distended abdomen, large ovarian lobes and abundant oocytes at multiple stages of development throughout ovary. B:Tg(zpc:G4VP16/UAS:nfsB-mCherry) female after 4 days exposure to Mtz (5 mM); external appearance and internal ovarian morphology are similar to that of untreated controls; histologically, analysis reveals evidence of degeneration in large oocytes (*). C:Tg(zpc:G4VP16/UAS:nfsB-mCherry) female after 14 days exposure to Mtz (5 mM); note severe ovarian atrophy, exhibited by loss of abdominal distention and recognizable oocytes. Histological analysis revealed extensive ovarian (oocyte) degeneration, and clusters of early-stage oocytes. D:Tg(zpc:G4VP16/UAS:nfsB-mCherry) female 14 days after Mtz removal (experiment d28); ovarian regeneration is observed. E:Tg(zpc:G4VP16/UAS:nfsB-mCherry) female 21 days after Mtz removal (experiment day 35); external appearance, ovarian morphology and histological features are indistinguishable from controls. Oocyte stages are as described in Selman et al. (1993). Degenerate oocytes are indicated by *; dashed line indicates abdominal morphology; ovarian lobes are outlined. Scale bar = 50 μm.