Fig. s2
H&E histological analysis of the scar and of the inflammatory response. (A-C) Heart cross-sections stained with Hematoxylin (dark purple) to visualize nuclei and Eosin (pink) to detect proteins. (A′, B′ and C′) Higher magnifications of framed area shown in left panels. (A-A′) At 4 dps, the intact ventricle is surrounded by the compact myocardium. The middle part of the ventricle consists of trabecular myocardium. (B-B′) At 7 dpci, the scar tissue (dashed line) is infiltrated by inflammatory cells. A network of fibroblasts surrounds the outer border of the infarct. A layer of acellular matrix accumulates at the inner side of this border. (C-C′) At 14 dpci, the compact myocardium starts to invade the outer margin of the scar. The interior of the post-infarct is composed of a network of spindle-shaped fibroblasts, which is infiltrated by blood cells. cm, compact myocardium; tm, trabecular myocardium, bc, blood cells; f, fibrin; wm, wound margin; fn, fibroblast network in the interior of the scar. Scale bars in (A-A′) represent 300 μm.