Fig. 9
Non-stratified periventricular interneurons and PVPN cell types are GABAergic. (A) Maximum Projection of a single PVPN at 5 dpf. (B,C) Single array section containing cell body of neuron in (A) labeled by GFP fluorescence in (B), anti-GABA immunofluorescence in (C). (D) Merged image of (B,C) with DAPI nuclear labeling (blue). (E) Maximum Projection of a single nsPVIN at 5 dpf. (F,G) Single array section containing cell body of neuron in (E) labeled by GFP fluorescence in (F), anti-GABA immunofluorescence in (G). (H) Merged image of (F,G) with DAPI nuclear labeling (blue). Note preservation of GFP signal and colocalization of GABA immunoreactivity (arrowheads in D,H). Scale bar, 20 μm.