Fig. 2 alcama morphants have cartilage defects similar to the edn1 class of mutants. Flatmounts of mandibular and hyoid cartilage from 5 dpf Alcian Blue-stained larvae (A, C, E, G); corresponding schematics (B, D, F, H). The joint between Meckel′s and palatoquadrate is fused in alcama morphants and furinA-/- and edn1-/- mutants. Similarly, the interhyal is absent in alcama morphants and furinA-/- mutants leading to a fusion of the ceratohyal and hyosymplectic cartilages. alcama morphants and furinA-/- mutants have misshapen Meckel′s cartilage and ceratohyal, but edn1-/- mutants have the most severe defect with a lack of ceratohyal and severely misshapen Meckel′s cartilage. DV joint regions are indicated with arrows in A and B. Fusions at joints are indicated with asterisks in (C)?(H). Cartilages are labeled as followed: pq (palatoquadrate), mc (Meckel′s cartilage), hm (hyomandibula), ch (ceratohyal), sy (symplectic), and ih (interhyal). Scale bar: 50 μm.
Reprinted from Developmental Biology, 349(2), Choudhry, P., Joshi, D., Funke, B., and Trede, N., Alcama mediates Edn1 signaling during zebrafish cartilage morphogenesis, 483-493, Copyright (2011) with permission from Elsevier. Full text @ Dev. Biol.