Fig. 3
Comparison of shh Expression with Expression of axial, gsc, and pax-2 in the Head Process of Wild-Type Embryos during Early Embryogenesis
(A, C, and E) At 10 hr of development (end of gastrulation). (B, D, and F) At the five somite stage. (A, C, E, and F) Viewed from the animal pole. (B and D) Lateral views.
(A)shh (horizontal line, marked by arrowheads) and pax-2 (lateral stripes, marked by an asterisk) expression at the end of gastrulation.
(B) shh and pax-2 at the 5 somite stage; pax-2 expression in the posterior midbrain is marked by an asterisk; and the optic stalk is marked by a small arrowhead. shh expression in the tip of the neural keel is shown by an arrow.
(C) axial (arrowheads) and pax-2 (asterisk) expression at the end of gastrulation. Note that the anterior axial expression at this developmental stage compares to the anterior boundary of the shh expression (see [A]).
(D) axial and pax-2 (asterisk) expression at the 5 somite stage. Note that, in contrast with shh, axial expression in the forebrain has now been turned off and extends only to the ventral midbrain/ hypothalamus boundary.
(E) gsc (arrowheads) and pax-2 (asterisk) expression at the end of gastrulation. Note that gsc expression extends further rostral than shh (large arrowhead).
(F) gsc (arrowheads) and pax-2 (asterisk) at the tail bud stage.
Reprinted from Cell, 75(7), Krauss, S., Concordet, J.P., and Ingham, P.W., A functionally conserved homolog of the Drosophila segment polarity gene hh is expressed in tissues with polarizing activity in zebrafish embryos, 1431-1444, Copyright (1993) with permission from Elsevier. Full text @ Cell