Fig. 5 Partially redundant roles of zebrafish Frem2/3 paralogues.
In situ hybridisation of embryos using probes against frem2b (A–C), and frem3 (D) at 24 hpf (A, D), 32 hpf (B), and 48 hpf (C). Expression of frem3 in the fin fold can be seen at 24 hpf (D), whilst expression at this site only commences at 48 hpf for frem2b (C). frem2b is also expressed in the blood islands at 32hpf (arrowhead, G) and in the pronephric ducts from 24 hpf (arrowheads in A; dorsal view). (E–N) Lateral views of 32 hpf WT embryos (E,G,J,L), blata90/ta90 embryos (F,H,K,M) or piftm95/tm95 embryos (I,N) which are either uninjected (E,F,I), or injected with morpholinos targeting frem2b (G,H), frem3 (J,K,N) or a mix of morpholinos against frem2b and frem3 (L,M). Blistered regions of the fin and blood islands are highlighted by bars and arrows respectively which are coloured green in bla mutants, red in frem2b morphants and blue in pif mutants.