Fig. S4 Knockdown of smarcal1 causes the defects in cartilage development and angiogenesis. (A-F) Arch cartilage stained with Alcian blue. While the uninjected and control MO injected embryos had clearly visible certobranical arches, smarcal1 morphants showed absence of cb 3 through 5 and under development of M, pq, ch and hs. M: Meckel′s cartilage; pq: palatoquadrate; ch: ceratohyal; hs: hyosmplectic; cb: ceratobranchials. Asterisks in (A), (C) and (E) indicate the cb. Arrows in (E) and (F) indicate M. (G–I) Angiogenesis defects in 3 dpf smarcal1 morphants. Confocal microangiograpy of uninjected (G) and control MO injected embryo (H) of Tg (fli1:GFP) had no defect in PAV (arrows) and SIV (arrowheads), whereas the smarcal1 morphant (I) showed the absence of PAV and severe reduction in branching of SIV. PAV: parachordal vessel; SIV: subintestinal vessel.
Reprinted from Developmental Biology, 339(1), Huang, C., Gu, S., Yu, P., Yu, F., Feng, C., Gao, N., and Du, J., Deficiency of smarcal1 causes cell cycle arrest and developmental abnormalities in zebrafish, 89-100, Copyright (2010) with permission from Elsevier. Full text @ Dev. Biol.