Fig. 2 The expression pattern of mab21l2 in zebrafish embryos. Mab21l2 is first expressed at the bud stage in the presumptive eye field (A, closed arrowhead), and expression expands through somitogenesis stages. At the 5-somite stage, a second expression domain in the midbrain region becomes visible (D, open arrowhead). These two domains expand, eventually forming the eyes and tectum (E–H). A section of a 24-h embryo shows peripheral expression in the tectum and in the eyes, both in the developing lens and retina. Stages are indicated in the figure, with s signifying somite. (A–H) Anterior view; (D′–H′) lateral view; (H″) section in the plane shown in (H). Gn, ganglion; Hb, hindbrain; L, lens; Ph, pharyngeal arch; R, retina; T, tectum.
Reprinted from Mechanisms of Development, 109(1), Kudoh, T. and Dawid, I.B., Zebrafish mab21l2 is specifically expressed in the presumptive eye and tectum from early somitogenesis onwards, 95-98, Copyright (2001) with permission from Elsevier. Full text @ Mech. Dev.