Fig. 7 LY294002 inhibits retinal angiogenesis without affecting retinal function.
A–C) Electroretinography of control (n = 13) and LY294002-treated (n = 15) zebrafish at 5 dpf. Shown is representative data from control (A) and LY294002-treated (B) larval zebrafish in response to an intensity series of white light stimulation. The stimulus flash was attenuated from 3 log units to unattenuated. The black bars at the bottom represent stimulus duration. The two groups show similar intensity response curves for the b-wave (C). To generate the intensity response curve, the average response at the maximum flash intensity was set to 1 and the average response at attenuated flash intensities was normalised to this (average ± SEM). D) Histological sections of zebrafish eyes from 5 dpf larvae treated with LY294002 from 1–5 dpf or 2–5 dpf. Retinal histology appears normal in fish treated from 2–5 dpf showing lamination, presence of optic nerve and similar size/shape to controls. In larvae treated from 1–5 dpf sparse apoptotic nuclei (arrowheads) and tissue vacuoles are observed (Magnification 400x).