Fig. 1 Molecular characterization and expression pattern of zebrafish Dmrt2b during embryogenesis.
(A) Amino acid alignment of zebrafish Dmrt2b with gibel carp Dmrt2b, gibel carp Dmrt2a and zebrafish Dmrt2a. Similar and identical amino acids are highlighted in grey and black boxes. The line indicates the DM domain. (B) RT-PCR detection of dmrt2b in zebrafish embryonic development stages, and beta-actin mRNA as the control. (C) Western blot detection of Dmrt2b during the zebrafish embryo development, and Tubulin was used for the control. (D-H) Whole-mount in situ hybridization detection of dmrt2b on somitogenesis embryos as indicated stage. The arrows indicate positive signals in the somites.