Fig. S9
The effect of nos1 MO inhibition is dose-dependent.
(A) RT-PCR performed on cohorts of 20 pooled nos1 splice site MO (40 μM) and control MO injected embryos. The control injected embryos exhibited the expected fragment length (300bp), while the PCR product after splice site MO injection is shorter as expected. Actin is shown as a control.
(B-E) Increasing nos1 knockdown by increasing doses of MO caused progressive decrease in runx1/cmyb expression.
(F-I) nos2 knockdown did not affect HSC formation.
(J-L) Immunoreactivity to both anti-mouse Nos1 and Nos3 antibody was present in zebrafish embryos at 36 hpf. Nos3 reactivity was found in the vasculature, neural tube and endodermal tissues.
Reprinted from Cell, 137(4), North, T.E., Goessling, W., Peeters, M., Li, P., Ceol, C., Lord, A.M., Weber, G.J., Harris, J., Cutting, C.C., Huang, P., Dzierzak, E., and Zon, L.I., Hematopoietic stem cell development is dependent on blood flow, 736-748, Copyright (2009) with permission from Elsevier. Full text @ Cell