Fig. 8 zbmp2b is ectopically expressed in pregastrula boz mutants. Analysis of zbmp2b expression in wild-type and homozygous bozm168 mutant embryos prior to the onset of gastrulation. All embryos are oriented with animal pole toward the top and dorsal to the right. (a) In wild-type embryos prior to the onset of gastrulation at 40% epiboly stage, zbmp2b transcripts are not detectable on the dorsal side of the embryo. The region free of zbmp2b message is complementary to the dorsal blastoderm region that expresses nieuwkoid/dharma, shown for reference in a slightly younger wild-type embryo (c). (b) In contrast, zbmp2b transcripts do not clear completely from the dorsal margin in homozygous bozm168 mutant embryos and the persistent zbmp2b expression is also detected in the dorsal YSL. (d and e) Misexpression of nieuwkoid/dharma RNA is sufficient for the down regulation of zbmp2b expression in wild-type pregastrula embryos. (d) Embryo injected with nieuwkoid/dharma RNA in both blastomeres at the two-cell stage and assayed for zbmp2b expression at 40% epiboly stage. zbmp2b expression is strongly reduced throughout the entire blastoderm. (e) zbmp2b expression at 40% epiboly in wild-type embryo injected with nieuwkoid/dharma RNA in two distant blastomeres at the eight-cell stage. Ectopic and expanded regions of zbmp2b repression are observed (arrows).
Reprinted from Developmental Biology, 215(2), Koos, D.S. and Ho, R.K., The nieuwkoid/dharma homeobox gene is essential for bmp2b repression in the zebrafish pregastrula, 190-207, Copyright (1999) with permission from Elsevier. Full text @ Dev. Biol.