Fig. S4
moks309 Retinas Have Normal Number of Amacrine and Horizontal Cells
(A, B) 5 dpf retina section showing pax6:GFP expression (green) and stained with antiparvalbumin antibody (red). Both markers identify a subset of amacrine cells. These cells are specified in normal number in moks309 mutants although their nuclei are sometimes positioned at a greater distance from the inner plexiform layer (IPL) (compare white arrowheads in [A] versus [B]).
(C, D) 5 dpf retina section stained with anti-GAD65/67 antibody. This marker labels both amacrine cells (yellow arrowhead) and horizontal cells (white arrowheads). Their specification is unaffected in moks309 mutants, but amacrine cell nuclei are often mislocalized (compare yellow arrowheads in [C] versus [D]).
Reprinted from Cell, 134(6), Del Bene, F., Wehman, A.M., Link, B.A., and Baier, H., Regulation of neurogenesis by interkinetic nuclear migration through an apical-basal notch gradient, 1055-1065, Copyright (2008) with permission from Elsevier. Full text @ Cell