Fig. 10 hdac3 mRNA partially rescued the liver defects in VPA-treated embryos while hdac1 mRNA could not. 5′-capped mRNAs of hdac1 and hdac3 were synthesized in vitro and used to rescue the liver defects in VPA-treated embryos in Tg (lfabp:RFP, elaA:EGFP) by microinjection. Overexpression of hdac1 mRNA (0.3 ng/embryo) did not generate any obvious impact on liver development (C vs. A) and hdac1 mRNA failed to rescue the liver defects in VPA-treated embryos (D vs. B). In contrast, hdac3 mRNA (0.3 ng/embryo) led to a slight increase in liver size compared to control (E vs. A). It also readily rescued the small liver defects in VPA-treated embryos although not to the same size of the control at the doses analyzed (F vs. B). Injection of both hdac1 and hdac3 mRNA together (0.3 ng/embryo each) rescued the liver defect under VPA to similar extent as hdac3 mRNA alone (H vs. B). All images are lateral view of 5 dpf embryos, anterior toward the left. Scale bar is 100 μm.
Reprinted from Developmental Biology, 317(1), Farooq, M., Sulochana, K.N., Pan, X., To, J., Sheng, D., Gong, Z., and Ge, R., Histone deacetylase 3 (hdac3) is specifically required for liver development in zebrafish, 336-353, Copyright (2008) with permission from Elsevier. Full text @ Dev. Biol.