Fig. 6 Progeny at 5 dpf of Single or Close-to-Single Cells Labeled in the DP Joint at 2 dpfIn each embryo, at 2 dpf, one single cell that could be discerned by DIC optics between the juxtaposed DA and PCV walls was focused and subjected to a 1 s laser hit. Green fluorescence was recorded immediately and overlayed on the DIC image (B, F, K); one cell was visibly uncaged in embryo 2, and 2–3 cells in embryos 1 and 3. Anti-fluorescein immunostaining was performed at 5 dpf. (A) Rostro-caudal position of the cell targeted in the DP joint of embryos 1, 2, and 3. (C–E) In embryo 1, labeled progeny was mostly found in the CHT. (G–J) Embryo 2 displayed numerous labeled cells in both left (G) and right (H) thymus (arrows), one adjacent to the pronephric glomerulus (I, arrow), and several in the CHT (J). (L–O) Embryo 3 displayed numerous labeled cells in the right thymus ([L], [N], lateral and ventral views, respectively), only one in the left thymus (M), and several in the CHT (O) including two amoeboid, presumptively myeloid cells (arrows). In all panels, rostral is to the left, except for those showing the right thymus (H, L, N), in which rostral is to the right. All views are lateral except (H) and (N), which are ventrolateral. To help orientation in the thymus area, the same muscle caudally adjacent to the thymus is indicated in all thymus views by (m). gi, gills; pt, proximal tubule. Scale bars represent 50 μm.
Reprinted from Immunity, 25(6), Murayama, E., Kissa, K., Zapata, A., Mordelet, E., Briolat, V., Lin, H.F., Handin, R.I., and Herbomel, P., Tracing Hematopoietic Precursor Migration to Successive Hematopoietic Organs during Zebrafish Development, 963-975, Copyright (2006) with permission from Elsevier. Full text @ Immunity