Fig. 7

Figures for Li et al., 2007
Figure Caption

Fig. 7 Chimera experiments suggest requirement for Tfap2a/c activity in neural crest induction is cell autonomous. (A–C) Dorsal views of flat mounted 12 hpf embryos. (A) A chimera derived from a wild-type host and a wild-type donor. Biotin-labeled, donor derived cells are seen to express foxd3 (arrowhead in panel A2) (a total of 40 biotin-labeled foxd3-expressing cells were found, 3 embryos scored). (B) A chimera derived from a tfap2a-/cMO host and a wild-type donor. Biotin-labeled, donor derived cells expressing foxd3 are visible (arrowhead in panel B′) (150 of 151 foxd3-expressing cells were biotin-labeled, 5 embryos scored). (C) A chimera derived from a wild-type host and a tfap2a-/cMO donor embryo. A biotin-labeled, foxd3 negative cell is seen interspersed with host cells expressing foxd3 (shown at higher magnification in panel C′, arrowhead) (of 95 biotin-labeled cells within the host foxd3 domain, none expressed foxd3, 6 embryos scored). (D) Lateral view of a 48 hpf a chimera derived from a tfap2aMO/cMO host and a wild-type donor. Melanophores are visible in the head. As seen at higher magnification in panel D′, melanophores are labeled with biotin, indicating that they are donor-derived (out of 30 such chimeras that survived to 48 hpf, 11 had at least 5 or more biotin-positive melanophores and lacked melanophores without biotin). Scale bars: (A--D), 100 μm; (A′--D′), 50 μm.

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Reprinted from Developmental Biology, 304(1), Li, W., and Cornell, R.A., Redundant activities of Tfap2a and Tfap2c are required for neural crest induction and development of other non-neural ectoderm derivatives in zebrafish embryos, 338-354, Copyright (2007) with permission from Elsevier. Full text @ Dev. Biol.