Fig. 1 The dog locus encodes eya1. (A) Physical and genetic maps of linkage group 24 (LG24) showing map positions of dogtm90b and eya1. (B) Sequence analysis of eya1 in wild-type (WIK), dogtp85b, dogtm90b, and dogtc257e mutants. Note that the T to G transversion in dogtm90b genomic DNA creates a novel MnlI recognition sequence (3′-G G A G (N)6-5′). (C) Linkage analysis via dogtm90b-specific MnlI RFLP on genomic DNA from wild-type (lanes 2 and 4), heterozygous (lane 3), and dogtm90b (lanes 5?18). The diagnostic dogtm90b eya1 allele is 82 bp (bottom arrow) and the wild-type eya1 allele is 118 bp (top arrow). (D) Box diagrams represent point mutations and splicing product in wild type (WIK), dogtm90b, and dogtc257e. Open arrows show the mutated nucleotides in the two alleles. (E) Box diagram representing conceptual translation of eya1 cDNA. Locations of each dog allele specific mutation are noted by black arrows.
Reprinted from Developmental Biology, 277(1), Kozlowski, D.J., Whitfield, T.T., Hukriede, N.A., Lam, W.K., and Weinberg, E.S., The zebrafish dog-eared mutation disrupts eya1, a gene required for cell survival and differentiation in the inner ear and lateral line, 27-41, Copyright (2005) with permission from Elsevier. Full text @ Dev. Biol.